SEO Module Enhancement
We have made several enhancements in our SEO module to make your web store seach engine friendly and give you more tools for online marketing and better search engine rankings.
URL Rewrite Pattern
We have changed the pattern of website URL and made it more SEO friendly. Major changes applied here are:
- You can define URL of important pages like product page, content page, etc from admin side during page setup.
- We have added a script that redirects old URL to the page with new URL pattern. This way if Google has cached pages with old URL it will get redirected to new pattern.
Updated Sitemap
We have updated the sitemap functionality and made it easy to manage for the admin. We have made below listed major updates in Sitemap feature:
Text Sitemap: We have created separate section from where you can generate text sitemap for the store.
The Text sitemap better to be generate once your website is live, this particular sitemap is for Yahoo to crawl into your website.
XML Sitemap: We have added a new section to generate XML based sitemap for the store.
Different than Text Sitemap, XML site is for Google to crawl into your website.
Priority Settings: Admin can set priority for different sections when generating XML sitemap.
Remove Links Feature: You can remove extra or unnecesary links when generating sitemap. You can remove corporate product links, remove inactive products, and remove custom or upload option link for predefined products, that way your website sitemap will be simpler and easy for browser robot to crawl your website.
Centralized Page Title, Keyword, & Description
We have centralized the feature of defining page title, keyword, and description in one single interface, That way you don’t have to go to each products or certain pages just to edit the page title, description and keywords.
Once you select your primary selection item you will get second dropdown menu and the rest of the interface to define page title, keywords, and description.
Product Metatags
We have added metatag section in central interface of page title, keywod, and description.
Here you can define your metatags for different sections on the same products to create more specifics ttile, keywords and description for each pages. However if you leave metatag data blank for specific section then default metatags set in default section of a specific product will be applied.
Manage URL Direction
We have added Manage URL Direction section so that you can define your own redirection for different URLs. If redirection is defined using this section then it will be given priority over any system generated default redirection.
Admin>>SEO>>Manage URL Redirection
Add URL Redirection
Navigation: SEO>>Manage URL Redirection>>Add URL Redirection
Description: You can add new redirection for existing or old URL.
Edit URL Redirection
Navigation: Manage URL Redirection>>Action>>Edit URL Redirection
Description: You can edit details of an existing URL redirection set by you.
Delete URL Redirection
Navigation: Manage URL Redirection>>Action>>Delete URL Redirection
Description: You can delete details of an existing URL redirection.