Technology Updates & Key Changes
We have upgraded the technology to provide flexibility and stability to the EditandPrint solution. Listed below are the technology upgrades for V4.0:
- Used/Support CSS3 & HTML5 features
- Optimize website loading speed
- Further optimized code and Project Structure
- Debug minor and major bugs for overall improvements
Key Changes
In the process of developing an advanced web to print solution, some features had to be removed or tweaked for better performance. Listed below are functionalities we have we have changed/removed:
- Changes in Standard Checkout method
- Removed Templates listing from homepage
- Removed following options which were not required in new layouts:
- Removed Row-wise settings in portfolio or order section, etc.
- Removed Facebook Like & Send from template listing page
- Removed template listing from index page
- Removed template search vertical and horizontal setting
- Removed product thumb image height and width option
- Removed product large image height and width option
- Removed display button style option
- Removed duplicate My Account menu at My Account dashboard
- Open ID login option
- Removed redundant Third Party settings
- Responsive features perform as per the Bootstrap standard
- Browser Compatibility: