Other Upgrades
Select Print Ready Files for Customer Portfolio :
If you need to replace customer’s Print Ready order file, now you have one more option to select the file from the customer’s portfolio at modify order section. Simply edit the template from Customer Templates section, and select the modified template directly in modify order. You do not need to download the file, edit it and re-upload the edited file.
Admin Order Section:
We have added new icons in the order section, which allows to easily and quickly indicating who place order, is it reorder or order type or custom quote and design specification etc…
Improved Customer Account Section :
To enhance the user-experience of your customers, we have enriched the display of order status and other information in the Customer Account section. Your retail customers can check their available balance of Pay on Account and get a graphical representation of their orders.
Automatic TAX calculation for Offline Order:
Now you don’t need to manually calculate tax for offline orders. When you are creating offline order then based on products and shipping address, the tax calculation is calculated automatically as per your defined GST/tax settings.
Bug Fixing:
We have tracked and fixed several major, minor and trivial bugs across the admin panel, storefront and online Designer Studio.