Dashboard made more appealing. Job Board gadget to help you identify orders which need to be prioritised for processing orders on time.
Pin/Unpin feature :
Pin/Unpin feature: Option to pin any page from admin panel for easier navigation. The pinned pages will appear at the top side of the admin panel. They will remain as it is, until you manually remove them by clicking on the cross mark near them.
Set Favorite Links
Set Favorite link: You can setup Favorite links from the dropdown menu at top right once logged in. Favorite links will display at the top of the side menu listing below search-box.
Admin Notification
New notification feature available helps you to become aware of specific activities happening on the store which are generally important in nature. With this feature, you shall get notifications within the solution control panel based on orders, customers, quotes and payment requests. There will also be specific notifications based on admin user types like corporate admin, printer admin and sales agent. Below are the types of notifications that shall be floated in admin panel based on user types:
Admin: new order, update order, new quote, update quote, new customer, payment request
Corporate admin: new order, order approval, update order
Printer & Sales agent admin: order assign, update order
User Dashboard
- Dashboard: Compact the page and try to display all sections with single screen (avoid scroll as much as possible) with mobile responsive structure.
- Order Detail Page: convert in different TAB section like order information, order history, order feedback and order Inventory with mobile responsive structure.
Customers Feedback Module
Retail customers will be able to enter feedback for their ordered products once the admin marks the order as completed, using their ‘My Account’ section. They will see option to rate the product, apart from entering review title and review content in the ‘Order Details’ page.
– Admin shall have option to auto-approve feedbacks in Store Configuration ‘Settings’.
– Customer reviews, if any, will be displayed for particular orders as a separate tab in ‘Update Order’ page.
Favorite Orders
Add functionality to add order as favourite order to customer in order listing page in my account section. Provide a favourite order items listing based on filter to customer, they can select the favourite filter option to list all favourite orders.
Order Partial Payment
We have added new capabilities to easily take payment online for unpaid orders, offline orders and modified orders. Admin can raise payment request to specific customers, and the customers can make payment online.
Display File name In Job Ticket
Admin will be able to see the name of the print ready file uploaded by the customer in job ticket. Admin can set the variable of print ready file anywhere in the email template of Job Ticket Format to include the name of the print ready file in the job ticket.
If in an order any product has more than one print ready files, then multiple print ready file names will also display in the job ticket separated by a semi-colon.
Separate Job Ticket inside folder while multiple download orders
If admin downloads multiple orders using checkbox in order listing page, separate job ticket is provided for each order inside the order folder in zip file. Now during the transfer of files, admin can separate job ticket for each order using hot folder option.
Download Multiple Label
Admin can download labels for multiple orders using checkbox in order listing page. New option is added – “Download Label”.
Combo Discount
It is now possible to cross-market different products available on your store using our combo discount feature. For example, if customer buys Business card, letterhead and envelope together then they can get 10% discount on product combination.
Discount Enhancement
We have made available discount options and also conditions on which discount should be applied i.e. (Apply always, based on product price, based on quantity, based on cart subtotal)
- Apply discount on product base price: This applies discount on product base price.
- Apply discount on product subtotal: This applies discount on product subtotal, this subtotal includes base price as well as prices of all additional options.
- Add maximum discount amount option to restrict limited discount option.
- Add facility to apply conditional discount like Apply always, based On Product Price & Based on Product Quantity.
– Provide option for apply discount on price inclusive of additional option price or on base product price.
Multiple Quote Module
This facility for allows customers to request a quote for multiple quantities (not more than 3). You need to enable quote module along-with multiple quantity for quotes from Store Configuration ‘Settings’ section for this.
Customer will be able to enter up to 3 quantities by clicking on the ‘+’ button available at the right side near quantity field. To remove extra quantities, they can make use of the ‘x’ button. Final approval will only be for one of the quantities and the approved quantity and price will be displayed in bold to the admin user (In this case, other quantity and price will be struck-through).
Quote Module Update
As part of improving our solution, we have extended the setup of vendor price functionality for quotes as well. Moreover, you can now update quantity for “not approved” quotes and customers can even request a requote using the {edit existing quotes} feature (in case they were not approved by store admin earlier) and submit them again as a new quote, similar to how ‘Reorder’ works.
Corporate Access Level
Corporate Access Level module has been enhanced with the ability to assign access rights to corporate users, as well as rights to approve orders fully or partially.
The earlier logic to create department managers for the approval process will be removed, when an admin approval process is enabled. Instead, you can create access roles for different corporate users who can be given access rights to approve orders of their department (This feature will only be available if admin approval process is enabled). Also, a corporate user can now be given access to multiple departments. The access rights can include allowing order checkout, allowing order approval rights, allowing view reports, allowing inventory.
If a corporate customer is given rights to multiple departments, they will see a drop-down on storefront to select the department they wish to proceed with. Based on the selection, they shall have access to the sections for which they have the access rights
Corporate Inventory Module
This is a new feature wherein printer is allowed to manage corporate customer’s printing order inventory, when they have the required facility for the same.
Corporate customers might not want all the quantity in their order to be shipped at one go, so this functionality will enable them to divide the order shipment in parts within a fixed time period setup by admin. – Admin can setup the inventory for specific corporates by entering following details for the products assigned to corporate – Minimum Print Quantity, Minimum Shipment Quantity, and Cost per Print Unit, Handling Cost, and Storage Days.
Quick Checkout
Enabling customers to have a shortcut on their landing page once they’re logged in, they will have direct access to :
- Designs (Template Designs)
- Ready to Buy (Predefined products)
- Upload Artwork (‘Upload Design’ products)
- Inventory (Remaining Inventory from past orders)
- Portfolio (Designs in Customer’s Portfolio)
Unique Shipping & Billing for Corporate or Department level
Shipping and billing addresses can be managed by department provided the department section has been enabled for a specific corporate
Non-Printed or Pre-defined product assignment on department level
Admin will able to assign non print products to specific departments of corporates by assigning departments on the add/edit of non print product page
Corporate level unique content
Allow admin user to access Header / Footer Links, CMS, Sidebar Content and sidebar management section for corporate data, add filter on each page with corporate name, allow rights for edit and delete.
Custom CSS for Corporate users
Admin can over-write Theme CSS using the editor provided by us.
– This editor can be opened using ‘Custom CSS’ link for the particular theme in its Action menu.
– For particular corporate, Theme CSS can be edited using the ‘Custom CSS’ link in selected Corporate’s Action menu.
– If same Theme CSS to be used for all corporates, just click on ‘Theme/ CSS’ link which is available at top right side on Corporate Management page.
Custom CSS for Corporate users
Authentication process in front side registration, for retailer this will be available in Store Configuration ‘ Customer Settings’ and for corporate customer will be available in edit corporate screen.
Product & Pricing Import Feature
New simplified interface for setting up and updating products and pricing information with a predefined Excel format. Admin can verify the uploaded information from review summary.
Upload artwork later product setting
Admin can offer a new option to customer when they use ‘Upload Design’ and they do not have a design ready while placing the order. This new option will be called ‘Upload Artwork Later’ and admin can enable this setting from individual product ‘Settings’ which allows the customers to place an order and pay without having to upload the artwork at the time. This will permit the affiliate to upsell design work, yet have the print paid for prior to commencement of the design process.
Product Badge
Admin can use specific badge patterns provided in individual product settings to highlight certain products, product categories or product category groups on their site, as well as enable promotional text on such badges. Once promotional text is enabled for the selected badge pattern, promotional text can be entered by editing particular product, product category or product category group as needed
New Additional Option Type - Textbox with / without multiplication
These new options can become helpful if you are looking to create products with a number of pages like books.
In Textbox – Price without Multiplication, only numeric value can be entered. Price calculation will be done based on quantity and attribute option entered in the range (Upto).
In Textbox – Price with Multiplication, only numeric value can be entered, price calculation will be done based on quantity and attribute option, price will be multiplied with the value entered in the range (Up to).
Set URL redirection while deleting records
To avoid website users getting 404 error pages for deleted store records especially for SEO friendly external setup links e.g. link from Google search result (generally happens when deleting any of your important store records like products or their categories or content page), we now provide at the time of deleting any record the option to auto set URL redirection. This option will appear while you are trying to delete specific type of records from admin panel which are described below:
- Product
- Product Category
- Product Category Group
If you wish to delete a Template category you have the option to relocate any existing templates to another template category.
Content page and product description on browse design
Provide option to set CMS for the browse design page to setup common content for all products. Provide option to add content product specific over browse design page.
Additional Option Rule Update
Product additional option rule for Size-Additional option based: This additional option rule is a combination of both, Size and Additional option. Here you will be able to create a rule based on Size as well as Additional Options.
Price display after login
Admin can choose to avoid displaying product price to customers until and unless they login to the storefront. This can be setup using ‘Product’ tab in Store Configuration ‘Settings’. Alternate text to be displayed for ‘Price’ can also be configured using the same section. Alternate text will display wherever product price is displayed before customer’s login. Please contact our support to request the setting for your website.
PDF Preview Setting
New setting added in Store Configuration to enable/disable PDF Preview for all products or product wise. If PDF Preview Configuration is setup for each product, admin will be able to configure PDF Preview for individual product settings.
Sort Order for Product Templates
Provide sort order option of product templates in product master templates. Admin can change sort order for all templates and save it in a single click instead of changing individually.
Template Properties Setting
Admin can bind design templates with specific template properties like Fonts, Colors, Images, Product Additional options and other Settings like allow/disallow orientation, fix studio type, display template tab or not, allow text customization or not. Even Corporate admins will be able to manage template properties for the templates created by them. There is a separate section created called ‘Template Properties Master’ which can be used to create specific properties that can be assigned to multiple templates.
Duplicate Template for another products
Apart from admin, even the storefront users can create versions of any template created using online designer studio from ‘Shopping cart’ page or ‘Portfolio’ link available under ‘My account’. This will considerably reduce the rework of customers who order similar studio designs multiple times.
Using this functionality, storefront users can create another version of designer studio template for same product with same size or same product with different size using resize option. ‘Create another version’ function would also work for different products of same size or different products of different size using resize option. Options to create template version for various product or size combinations would only show based on the concerned product and its size configuration in admin panel.
For PDF Block Templates, users will only be able to create template version for same size products or different product with same size.
Process Non-IBS order (Essential Plan)
Step 1. From the home page, navigate to Orders section, then click List Orders.
Step 2. Look for the order and click the Action button in line with the order.
Step 3. Click the following options: Download File, Download Shipping Label, and Print Job Ticket. Once you have these files, you can now send it to a third printer of your choice. Make sure to update the status of the job and the order after.
Metatags Enhancement
You can create and set Meta tags based on storefront pages. You can also create individual Meta tags for a specific selected page from the list. If All Pages option is selected, then Meta tag will display in all the pages.
Separate metatag for Template Category pages: You can set-up SEO metatags for all template category pages. This option was not available in earlier versions.
Metatags Enhancement
Separate metatag for Template Category pages: You can set-up SEO metatags for all template category pages. This option was not available in earlier versions.
Promotional Message Pop Up
This is a new feature to help you with promoting specific announcements, messages or offers which can be displayed on specific or all of your storefront pages with different styles like popup, toggle or static header etc.
Sales Agent
This feature will allow you to create sales agents who can get commission on any order placed by a customer created with their reference. It will be available under Business Partners module and a new sales agent can be added by entering general details like their name, email, username and password. You can define the commission structure for such sales agent as a fixed percentage of order amount, or a dynamic percentage based on ‘upto’ order amount range.
Sales agents will have their own login credentials so they can view customers created with their reference as well as the orders placed by them. A new report ‘Sales Agent Commission’ report is added to make it convenient for sales agent to view the commissions earned by them on customer orders.
You can also assign a sales agent to existing retail and corporate customers. Also, orders can be filtered by selecting sales agent in the search filter
Google Login
Provide option for Google Login, so user can login directly using Google username and password like Facebook Login. All settings related to Google Login are available under store configuration settings under admin settings section.
Shipping price / discount in local pick-up method
Admin can set discount on local pickup address by simply adding price with minus sign. If admin adds shipping price without preceding minus sign than, system will take it as shipping price for local pickup method.
SMS Facility
We are now providing an interface for SMS Facility so that you can now send SMS using our system for different stages like customer registration, change password, order confirmation, order processing, etc. We have integrated with a couple of national and international SMS API providers. You can register with them as per their subscription plans to be able to provide SMS notification service to your customers.
This will be available as a separate section in Admin Panel under Content Management module. To add a new SMS notification, you will need to first select from any of the existing email templates for which scenario you want to be able to send the SMS notification. Next, enter the Message content as per your requirement. You can use Help Content variables here, similar to how it is done in Email templates. The characters limitation for SMS content will be displayed to help give you an idea when you are crossing the characters limit for normal SMS content. However, you can still add more content and the extra content will be split and shall be sent as a separate SMS.
Automatic Reminder Emails
Auto Email reminders can be sent email to customers or admin based on different scenarios as bellow
- Unordered products in their shopping cart.
- Considerable time since they last logged in to storefront.
- Reminder to enter feedback for completed orders.
- Admin users can be sent to you or other admin users for product stock report.
Admin can even set frequency, like the number of days’ interval at which email reminder should be sent for above scenarios.
Such reminders can be configured using ‘Email Marketing Reminder’ sub-section added in Content Management module. You will required to subscribe with third party company ‘Mailgun’ which is popular for its mass mailing services to be able to use ‘Reminder Emails’ functionality. ‘Mailgun’ integration would be mandatory for sending ‘Reminder Emails’ and you can enable and enter its API key as well as other necessary details under ‘External Service Settings’ section in admin panel.
Online Editor Update
Layout changes:
- Removed “Image Gallery” and “Templates” tab from top and added to left panel as a button.
- Switch to advance studio & Text based studio functionality converted in “Edit All Text” and “Edit Design” toggle button.
- “Edit All Text” will display in all kind of templates – So now on words only one designer studio.
- Top Panel & Left panel of designer studio is revised.
- Given functionality in Property panel to Float & Fixed window.
Functionality changes:
- Set image as background from property panel instead of top menu.
- Set image position and zoom level from property panel.
New Development Features:
- Upload Image functionality & UI changed to show progress.
- Create QR code functionality given under designer studio. (It will require user to log in).
- Fixed issue related to line element. (User can copy-paste line element now onwards also user can select line in multiple selection).
- Image crop, zoom in and zoom out, horizontal flip and vertical flip functionality added in designer studio. (You can do this operation using property panel).
- Fixed issue related to stroke value of any Shape.
Stock Photos (Deposit Photos) API Integration
Deposit photos, a popular provider of stock photos, is also integrated with our solution apart from the already existing Fotolia API integration. You may register with Deposit photos and enter the necessary configuration details in admin panel from ‘External Service Settings’. If the configuration details are valid, your customers shall be able to use Deposit photos’ images while creating designs in the website designer studio. However, please note that only one image API (either Fotolia or Deposit photos) can be active at a time.
Instagram Integration
As we have facility that customer can use facebook images in designer tool, in the same way now customer can use Instagram images, customer can login with Instagram account and use their images in designer studio.
Image Block Mapping
We have provided a facility in admin panel for PDF block templates and customised templates, Image block should be mapped with uploaded csv file data (image name), and provide facility to upload zip flies of all images, system will auto map all images in individual designs based on csv image name reference.
System will also display field of image block in appropriate csv, and customer can upload name of images in csv and zip file of images (zip file is optional and available for block pdf only).
Customers Buying Pattern
We have made an advancement in helping you identify your customers’ referrer information. Whenever new inquiry is generated, admin receives information such as browser used,
redirected from which URL, IP address, etc.
directory : reports > log > mail log > and click the ‘?’ button to display the pop up information
Email Log
Provide facility to capture all the mail log which is sent by system and store in database. Admin can view all mail content from admin last 30 days with mail delivery status. If needed, admin can also get the same email resent by using ‘Resend Email’ link, email log will get deleted automatically every 30 days.
Template Sales Summary Report
We have added a new report in admin panel ‘Reports’ module to help you in finding out the sales summary of different product templates and product master templates. This will include all types of templates – customizable, non-customisable, PDF Blocks, print ready PDF files, also display template sold count in template listing page.
Multiple Admin with Specific Access Rights
We now provide option to create Admin group on individual corporate basis or ‘all corporates’ basis. Store admin or the corporate admin can create the admin group for corporates from the same admin interface. Accordingly, corporate sub-admin users can be created (apart from corporate super-admin user) with specific role access for only particular sections/modules that are relevant to particular corporate/all corporates as per admin group created.